Correspondence W. H. Auden and Stella Musulin
This line chart depicts the number of letters exchanged between W. H. Auden and Stella Musulin during 1959-1973 per year. The data are loaded dynamically; more information can be displayed by hovering over the individual data points. More viewing and downloading options are available through the dropdown menu.
Entity Network
This network graph by default displays the interrelations between person, institution, place, and event entities retrieved from all edition documents. The legend in the bottom-right corner explains the color coding. The top dropdown bar allows to narrow down the display to person-person and person-organization relations. The size of the nodes corresponds to the number of connected edges; by hovering over the nodes and edges, their names can be displayed. By selecting individual nodes, the network graph focuses on their immediate environments; at the same time, a left-hand window lists these nodes' interrelations, providing links that connect to the detail-view pages of the entities in question.