Index of Works

TitleAuthorDateTypeURI or URLLanguageMentioned in papers #
Mapp and LucianovelQ6754148en1
Homage to Clio1960book_of_poemsQ16386068en grc2
The Rake's Progress1951operaQ539339en1
Elegy for Young Lovers1961operaQ3050642en0
The Bassarids: Opera Seria with Intermezzo in One Act Based on "The Bacchae" of Euripides1966operaQ844406en1
Love's Labour's LostdramaQ128610en1
Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)1791operaQ5064de0
Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni (The Rake Punished, or Don Giovanni)1787operaQ192039it0
Die Sieben Todsünden (The Seven Deadly Sins)1933ballet_chanté7615100-1de0
Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny)1930operaQ760054de0
Arcifanfano Re De Matti (Arcifanfano, King of Fools)1749opera7615440-3it0
New Testamentreligious_textQ188131
Book of Common Prayerreligious_textQ784710en1
First Epistle to the Corinthiansreligious_textQ803552
The Rake's Progress1949libretto7669413-6en4
Elegy for Young Lovers1960libretto1068414596en4
The Bassarids: Opera Seria with Intermezzo in One Act Based on "The Bacchae" of Euripides1963libretto1103166417en4
Love's Labour's Lost1973operaen1
Love's Labour's Lost1969librettoen4
Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)1791libretto4275395-8de2
Il dissoluto punito ossia Il Don Giovanni (The Rake Punished, or Don Giovanni)1787libretto4278692-7it2
Die Sieben Todsünden (The Seven Deadly Sins)1933librettode2
Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny)1929libretto1232284610de2
Arcifanfano Re De Matti (Arcifanfano, King of Fools)1749librettoit2
The Rising Tide1937novelen1
The Elder Eddacollection_of_poemsQ205874non1
W. H. Auden: Collected Poems1976book_of_poemsen de1
Vägmärken (Markings)1964autobiographical_texten0
Vägmärken (Markings)1963autobiographical_textQ7944306sv1
The Dyer's Hand1962collection_of_essaysQ7731278en1
The Faber Book of Aphorisms1962anthologyen1
A Certain World: A Commonplace Book1970anthologyQ4655792en yi2
Nineteenth-Century British Minor Poets1966anthologyen1
Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring)1913ballet_musicQ2060152
The Rise and Fall of the British Nanny1972historyen1
The Cave of Making1964poemen2
Prologue at Sixty1967poemen1
W. H. Auden: A Biography1981biographical_texten5
Auf das Unabwendbare1936poemde1
Stark bewölkt (version 1971-10-19)1971poemen de1
Leben und Ereignisse des Peter Prosch, eines Tyrolers von Ried im Zillertal, oder Das wunderbare Schicksal, geschrieben zur Zeit der Aufklärung1789autobiographical_text1250103363de1
Austria: People and Landscape1971historyen de fr3
In Retrospectautobiographical_texten de3
The Years in Austria 1976-09-04--1980-12-01biographical_texten de3
Auden in Love1984biographical_texten2
Early Auden1981biographical_texten4
The Oxford English Dictionaryreference_workQ44996en1
Forewords and Afterwords1973collection_of_essaysQ5469518en1
Lord of the Rings1954novelQ15228en1
For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio1943poemQ5467148en1
Hier und Jetzt: Ein Weihnachtsoratorium1961poemde1
Doggerel by a Senior Citizen1969poemen2
Elegy (version 1968-10-04)1968poemen de1
Joseph Weinheber1965poemen de6
Joseph Weinheber (version 1965-03-15)1965poemen de4
Joseph Weinheber (version 1965-04-28)1965poemen de1
Gedichte/Poems1973book_of_poemsen de2
Murder in the Cathedral1935dramaQ1947367en1
The Cantos1917poemQ2701465en1
Italienische Reise (Italian Journey)1816autobiographical_textQ455305de1
The Rise of the South African Reich1964historyen2
The Common Life1963poemen1
The BacchaedramaQ934597grc1
The Letters of Beethoven1961correspondenceen1
W. H. Auden in America1956biographical_texten1
Whitsunday in Kirchstetten1962poemen de3
The English Auden: Poems, Essays and Dramatic Writings, 1927-19391977anthologyen1
King James Version1611religious_textQ623398en1
Freedom and Necessity in the Arts1970speechen de fr4
Fleißaufgaben in Nächstenliebe1961journalistic_textde1
August 1968 (version 1968-10-04)1968poemen1
Josef Weinheber (translation Herbert Heckmann)1965poemde1
Freedom and Necessity in the Arts (English version 1970-05-21)1970speechen de fr3
Freedom and Necessity in the Arts (translation Stella Musulin Janko Musulin 1970-05-21--1970-06-10)1970speechde3
Joseph Weinheber (prose translation W. H. Auden and Elizabeth Mayer)1965prosede3
Joseph Weinheber (prose translation Elsa Musulin and Stella Musulin)1965prosede1
Joseph Weinheber (notes prose translation Elsa Musulin and Stella Musulin)1965translationde en0
The Image of the City, and Other Essays1958collection_of_essaysen1
The Co-Inherence: The Image of the City, and Other Essays, by Charles Williams1959reviewen1
The Doors of Perception1954autobiographical_textQ1215450en2
Statement addressed to the Austrian tax authorities (English version 1972-07-26)1972legal_documenten3
Akenfield: Portrait of an English Village1969historyen1
On Installing an American Kitchen in Lower Austria1959poemen2
For Friends Only1964poemen it1
Statement addressed to the Austrian tax authorities (translation Hilde Spiel 1972-08-23--1972-09-18)1972legal_documentde4
Statement (addressed to the Austrian tax authorities) (version The Years in Austria) 1976-09-04--1980-12-01legal_documenten1
Statement (addressed to the Austrian tax authorities)1972legal_document2
Statement (addressed to the Austrian tax authorities) (version In Retrospect)legal_documenten1
Elegy1968poemen de1
Auden in Kirchstetten (1976-06-23)1976speechen2
Luther Bible1545religious_textQ1571095de1
Second Epistle to the Corinthiansreligious_textQ1238081
London Labour and the London Poor1851historyQ1217731en1
A Very Inquisitive Old Party1968reviewen1
New Testamentreligious_textQ188131
Unpublished volume on W. H. Auden in Austria to be edited by Peter Müllerbiographical_texten de3
Die zwei Welten des W. H. Auden: Auf den Spuren des englischen Poeten in Kirchstetten1977biographical_textde1
Secondary Worlds1967collection_of_essaysQ7443800en1
Unpublished volume of memoirs of W. H. Audenbiographical_texten1
The Auden Landscape1982documentaryen1
The Double Man, a Portrait of W. H. Auden1981radio_programmeen1
Night Mail1936documentaryQ943563en1
Coal Face1935documentaryQ21646703en1
Auden: Poems/Moore: Lithographs1974exhibition_catalogueen1
Austria and the Austrians1971historyen0
W. H. Auden und die Österreicher1977speechde2
Ein halbes Jahr zu Gast in Berlin: Ein Gespräch mit dem Dichter, Essayisten und Librettisten Wystan Hugh Auden1965interviewde en1
Mord im Dom1939dramade1
Shakespeare's dramatische Werke1825collection_of_playsde1
Cantos I-XXX1964poem575427620de1
Die Pisaner Gesänge1956poem575427612de1
Of Drugs and Drivel1967interviewen1
About the House1965book_of_poemsQ4668603en de1
Collected Shorter Poems 1927–19571966book_of_poemsen1
Collected Longer Poems1968book_of_poemsen1
City Without Walls1969book_of_poemsQ5123514en de1
Epistle to a Godson and Other Poems1972book_of_poemsQ5383618en de1
Freedom and Necessity in the Arts (notes translation Janko Musulin 1970-05-21--1970-06-10)1970translationde1
The Magic Flute1955librettoen3
Don Giovanni1957translationen3
The Seven Deadly Sins1958translationen3
Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny1960translationen3
Arcifanfano, King of Fools; or, It's Always Too Late to Learn1962translationen3
Auden Studies1990seriesen0
W. H. Auden: 'The Language of Learning and the Language of Love' (Auden Studies 2)1994seriesen0
Notes to OUP Authorsnotesen0
Meine Hinterhöfe1958poemde1
Seriously Unserious1951reviewen2
Harrison Birtwistle: Writing Music is Like Knitting2014interviewen1
August 19681968poemen0
Auden in Kirchstetten1995biographical_texten de3
Austria: People and Landscape (pre-print version 1970)1970historyen fr de1
Austria: People and Landscapehistoryen fr de0
Stark bewölkt1971poemen de1
Epistle to a Godson (version 1969-06-10)1969poemen1
Epistle to a Godson1969poemen0
Epithalamium (version 1965-04-28)1965poemen1
Das Sonett1807poemde2
Confessiones (Confessions)autobiographical_textQ372941la2
Retrospectives and Conclusions1969autobiographical_texten2
Review of a Free Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil1757proseen2
Foreword1971en de2
Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods): Siegfrieds Trauermarsch (Siegfried's Funeral March)1876operaQ2720291
The Truly Great1928poemen1
Glad1965poemen de1
Paul Bunyan1941librettoen1
The Entertainment of the Senses1973librettoen2
On This Island1936book_of_poemsQ7091167en1
What's in your mind, my dove, my coney1930poemen1
Three Songs for St. Cecilia's Day1940poemen1
"two volumes by and about Auden" (amp-transcript__0033.xml)collection_of_essaysen de1
O Tell Me the Truth About Love1938poemen1
Funeral Blues1937poemen1
Inzwischen: Ein Musik-Fernseh-Spiel1967TV_programde1
Foreword to The Sorrows of Young Werther [and] Novella, by Johann Wolfgang Goethe1970proseen de1
Mr G1967proseen de1
Italian Journey: Introduction to a Translation by Auden and Elizabeth Mayer of Goethe's Italian Journey1962proseen1
Academic Graffiti1971book_of_poemsQ4671135en de fr1
Thank You, Fog and Other Poems1974book_of_poemsQ7710459en it1
Selected Poetry of W. H. Auden: Second Edition1971book_of_poemsen it de1
Selected Poems1968book_of_poemsen1
Anchor Bible Series1956religious_textQ489181en1
"new translation of the Bible"religious_texten1
New Year Letter1940poemen fr la1
Auden: A Collection of Critical Essays1964collection_of_essaysen1
W. H. Auden: Selected Poems1979book_of_poemsen1
Plays and Other Dramatic Writings by W. H. Auden, 1927-19381988collection_of_playsen1
Books: Holiday bookings; List of recommendations from 19851985articleen1
Autumn for the 'Age of Anxiety'1970articleen1
Ein Autor hat Bedenken1965articlede1
Portrait Gallery1965articleen0